Thursday, March 26, 2020

Lockdown of 21 days, Good or Bad???

The Prime Minister of India announced  that India will be totally shut down for not 21 days. This was a very important decision taken by our Prime minister. As corona virus is spreading very rapidly across India. Currently, we have almost reached 649 cases and 13 deaths. Developed countries like USA, Italy, Germany and Spain are not able to control it. Even though they have the best doctors and infrastructure. We don't even have those facilities. Please understand if the virus spreads in India we will not be able to stop it. It will be disastrous. If we do not lock ourselves this will effect millions of people. And we do not have an infrastructure to cope with millions of patient currently. Remember, there will be other difficulties that we will face like shortage of grocery. Please try to survive on minimum grocery as this shutdown might get extended.

What can we do in these 21 days of lockdown. Netflix and other OTTs are definitely available. There are a few other options as well like:

1. Workout: The gyms at closed down so we cannot go there. The parks are also locked so we cannot got for a walk or jog. We can do some exercises at home. May be Yoga is also a good option.

2. Follow hobbies: follow your heart what ever you like. May be reading, writing, painting, cooking or may be something else. 
Reading is the best source of knowledge one can get. Books are said to be the best friend of humans. You cannot find a better company than these.

3. Engage with friends and families: all the mellenials will feel nostalgic. We will have our entire family at home. Talk to them. Help your Mom and Wife in house hold work. Connect with your relatives and friends whom you have not spoken for a very long time now as both of you would be available.

We at times forget that we live in a society where there are people who survive on daily wages. It will be difficult for them to survive. Help them in whichever way you can.

There will be time when we will get frustrated because of sitting idol. Try and divert your attention to positive aspects of life rather than negative. Remember, negativity will come to you easily, you need to work towards positive behavior. It does come without hard work. Work towards keeping your self positive.

21 days of lockdown is good or bad? It all depends upon your perception. If you work towards it in abette way, it's good. If not then it might turn bad. 

Respect your body with workout. Respect your soul with hobbies and Respect humans with humble gestures. Utilize these 21 days by being a good human being. Utilize these 21 days in the best possible way.

Stay safe.

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