Thursday, June 18, 2020

What happens to your Gmail and Social media accounts if you suddenly die?

Have you ever thought of this? I know we all don't want to die but we all will one day. And we have no idea which day it is. No one knows an exact date. This sends shivers down your spine but let's be practical we all will die one day. We all have our plans on how to make more money or how to plan for a trip to our holiday destination. We start saving money for it for several months in advance. We plan for our wedding and many other things but we do not plan for our death. My purpose is to make you aware of how to plan it in the right manner.

In today's technologically advanced world, we all have an email account which is connected to several of our social media accounts. If God forbid something happens to us, we need to secure our email and social media accounts. These are not given utmost priorities but these are extremely important. Let's look at a few Pros and Cons of deactivating/ memorializing the deceased person's account.

1. The account is safe and closed as you have secured it by informing the support team of the respected social media platform/ email account.
2. You can request for the personal data which is online or you can ask them to delete the data.
3. You can delete and save your data from getting leaked/ misused online.

1. The account will be active on social media. People who are connected will assume that he.she is alive.
2. Friends who are unaware will tag the deceased person unknowingly.
3. The deceased person will feature in 'People you may know' section for new friend request.

We will talk about the below-mentioned accounts:
  1. Gmail
  2. Facebook
  3. Twitter
  4. Instagram
P.S.: These are chosen based on their popularity


If you want to close or share the data with your loved ones. Please login into your account. On your profile page click on 'Manage your account' then click on 'Data & Personalization'. Under 'Download, delete, or make a plan for your data', you will find a link 'Make a plan for your account' click here. It will take you to a page called 'Inactive account manager'

Google will start observing activity after your demise for at least three months. It will prompt you to fill all the contact details like contact person's mobile number, email id. The next page will ask for your permission with whom you want to share your data. The third page will ask whether you want to delete your account and data after your demise. I would suggest not to chose this option as it will delete all the hard work that you have done. Once you confirm all these details your account is secured. I am sharing the link for your convenience:  Inactive account manager (Please log into your account to go to the inactive account manager page.)

The Gmail Inactive account manager


When you log into your Facebook account, there is an arrow-shaped downwards i.e. account's section. Click on the account's section and under 'Help & Support' click on 'Help Centre'. A new page will open and you will a menu bar on top. Click on 'Policies and Reporting' and you will see an option of  'Manage a Deceased person's account'. I have added a screenshot below for your reference. Here you will find all the details on how to manage closure or memorialize the account of a deceased person. I am sharing the link for your reference: Manage a deceased person's account



When you log into Twitter, click on the help button at the bottom of the page. Click on 'Rules and policies'. Under 'General guidelines and policies' you will find details about 'How to contact Twitter about a deceased family member's account'. I am sharing the link for your reference: Deceased account



When you log in to Instagram, at the bottom of the page you will see the 'Help' link. Click on this link and it will direct you to the Help Centre. Click on the 'Privacy and Safety Center' then on 'Report something'. Here you will see an option 'Other type of report'. On this page, you will find details on reporting about a deceased person. Please see the image below. I am also attaching the link for your reference: Deceased person's account


The data on this account is extremely sensitive and important as it might contain your family's personal photos and details which is available online. There is always a risk that it might get hacked. It's better to get memorialized or deactivated. The intention of this article is to make you aware and not to scare you. I hope for good health and prosperity for all.

Hope you find this content useful. Please do comment if you need any further details on this topic.

Please also do read about my article, I have mentioned the links below:

1. How to secure your family if you suddenly die due to unforeseen circumstances?

2. Why should you donate blood regularly?

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