Sunday, May 24, 2020

How to Quit Smoking in 30 days?

Today, I will be talking about how to quit smoking. I am not going to tell you any life-changing medicine or any formula which will instantly help you to quit smoking. For that, there are professional doctors and medicines available in every hospital at reasonable rates. I am not an expert on that. I will talk about how it all started for me and how do I control myself till date.

None of us was born smokers. We got this habit by looking at someone who used to smoke and it made him/her look cool and stylish with a cigarette in his hand. We were influenced by a superstar or maybe either of our parents or some family member or friend circle.

I will tell you how I quit smoking in 30 days? I started smoking at the age of 20 when I was in my college days. I was influenced by my friends. From there on, I used to regularly smoke due to the pressure of studies then the pressure of work. One fine day, I realized that smoking is not helping me reduce my pressure of studies or work. It is just diverting my attention for some time from my problems. The problems are solved when we take some action against them. Those problems will always be there throughout my life in some form or the other and they will keep coming in my life. Then what's the use of smoking when it only harms my body. This was the day I first decided to quit smoking. 
I never discussed this topic of quitting with my friends. I knew they will never help me instead they will make fun of me saying that "All smokers say the same but never quit". I had seen a lot of my friends leave smoking just because their parents told them or because their girlfriend/ wife told them or one of their loved ones told them. They failed miserably because they were not doing it for themselves. Just because a loved one told them they were leaving and again started smoking because they could not control.
When I quit smoking: When I decided to quit. There were two very important aspects which played a very important role. One, I will not quit it for someone else. Neither my parents, nor my girlfriend, nor my friends. I will quit for Myself. Second, my Will has to be very strong throughout my life. When I talk about life it looks so difficult. But just take one day at a time. It will all fall in place. The will has to be strong because there will be our closed ones who will encourage us to start smoking again. They will make fun of you and tease you. Remember this will be the test of your Will and your Character. You have to be very very strong here. No one can break you until you allow them to. Just hold yourself in such situations and you will be through.

Side effects of Quitting Smoking: When you quit smoking there are side effects that have an impact on your body.
1. You will feel uneasy.
   Solution: I would suggest you visit a doctor. Remember, a doctor can only help you with medicines. But in the end it's you who should control yourself and be disciplined.
2. Smoking also kills your appetite. You will feel hungry.
   Solutions: When you feel hungry start eating healthy food or food which you like. Don't kill your appetite. This will happen for at least the next couple of months. If you control this in the 1st month. You are almost through.

Conclusion: I last smoked in 2011. Till now there has been a lot of problems in my personal and professional life but I never thought of smoking again. Love yourself, love your body. The day you start taking care of your body. You will not do anything which harms your body.

"If something happens to you, your entire family has to take care of you. But if you are healthy you can take care of your family."

Stay Healthy and Love Yourself.

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You can also read about my unplanned travel when I went to Dharamshala, Dalhousie, Chamba and Amritsar on a solo trip. Please click on the link:

My unplanned solo trip 

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