Monday, June 15, 2020

Why should you donate blood regularly?

Why should I donate blood?

The simplest answer would be to save someone's life. This is the beauty of blood donation. Your blood is a priceless gift from the almighty to you. Every year in India there is a shortage of 1.95 to 2 million units every year. It is not only beneficial for you but also to mankind. It hardly requires 20 minutes. You get your BP and Haemoglobin level checked for free. Your blood is also tested for Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV 1, HIV 2 and many other diseases.

There are many myths about blood donation:

1. It causes Fatigue: Donors will be provided with refreshments and they can resume their work after an hour.

2. Your blood is reduced: Every person has 8-12 pints of blood in their body. Only one pint of blood is taken from your body. Your body recovers that one pint in the next 48 hours.

3. It is a painful process: It hardly requires 20 mins and the only pain is that of a needle pricking.

You only have to donate once in 3 months. Your blood will be used to treat different kind of patients. Let me just tell you about one type of patients that require regular blood "Thalassemia".

"Thalassemia": Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder that affects the body’s ability to produce haemoglobin and red blood cells. These type of patients require blood every 21 days.

If they do not get blood transfusions done every 21 days. They might feel fatigued, chest pain, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, leg cramps, dizziness and faintness, poor feeding, greater susceptibility to infections, jaundice and pale skin, headache, delayed growth.

If they are untreated, then it might result in organ failure.

Who can/ cannot donate Blood?

1, The lower age limit is 18 years and upper age should be between 60 to 70 years depending on the fitness level of the individual.

2. You should have not suffered from acute fever, cold, flu or sore throat at least in the last 10 days. 

3. Your haemoglobin level should meet the minimum requirement.

4.  Anyone whose Blood pressure is not normal is not allowed to donate blood.

5. Anyone who had alcohol in the last 24 hours is not allowed. Even a smoker is not allowed after smoking for 4 hours.

5. Anyone having major conditions like Cancer, Cardiovascular, severe lung disease, Hepatitis B/ C, are not allowed to donate blood.

6. You should not have a tattoo done in the last one year.

7. Any women who were pregnant have to wait for at least 9 months post-delivery for blood donation, Even women who are pregnant are not advised to donate as it would put the life of both mother and child at risk.

8. If you are on medication, you might be disqualified. Please discuss this with the doctor before donating blood.

9. If there has an operation for a major ailment in the last 6 months you will not be allowed to donate blood.

Let me tell you a few benefits of blood donation:

1. Iron stores are reduced: The iron stores are reduced in your blood. There is a condition called hemochromatosis. It is caused due to iron overload. When you donate blood regularly, this disease can be avoided. The symptoms of hemochromatosis are unknown until one reaches mid-age.

2. Improves your cardiovascular health: It reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes as your iron stores are removed from your body

3. Reduces risk of cancer: Overload of iron stores is said to be the cause of cancer and ageing. Regular blood donation reduces the risk of cancers including liver, lung and throat.

4. Burns calories: Every pint of blood burns 650 calories. However, it is not recommended to donate with the intent of reducing weight.

5. Sense of pride: The most important aspect is that you are helping in saving someone's life. The psychological advantage is that you helped someone who required your blood.

6. You will get a donor card which can be used once to collect blood bag when your closed ones are in need free of cost. These cards have validity for 6 months to lifetime depending on which state you are donating.

I stay nearby a government hospital and they keep calling me every now and then due to shortage of blood. The hospitals keep appealing to people to donate their blood. This is not something money can buy or scientist can generate. It has to be donated. We only can help by doing our bit.

Please donate. There is no substitute for this precious gift. Also encourage others like your colleagues, your family members and friends to donate.

14th June is World Donor Day. Hope next year when I write a blog about it. There are more people aware of blood donation and there is enough blood available with the hospitals. 

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