Thursday, June 11, 2020

Is extending the Lockdown in India enough to cure people from the pandemic Corona Virus (Covid-19)?

The entire world right now is going through the worst phase in the last 100 years. The pandemic Coronavirus (Covid-19) has changed the approach towards living drastically. Our government has taken bold decisions. One of them is the complete lockdown of the country. This also has a huge impact on the economy of the country which was already bleeding.
How has the lockdown helped us in coping with the virus?

The day we found the first Covid-19 patient in India was on 30 January 2020. We imposed a lockdown on 24 March 2020. The world appreciated that we were proactive in imposing a lockdown. Here a question arises that if the first case was on 30 January why didn't we impose lockdown or stopped all the travellers from infected countries to be quarantined from the airport itself. Why were they just informed to stay at home for 14 days? People did not take it seriously and we all are suffering now.

Secondly, we could have imposed a lockdown much earlier but we didn't. The doctors and medical practitioners were of the opinion to impose lockdown when cases of Covid-19 patients started increasing in the 1st week of March 2020. We didn't. The government did not take any opinion of the medical initially I guess. You may check this link: The Hindu report 

The day the lockdown was implemented, there has only been a hike in the number of cases in India. Then how has the lockdown helped? People expected the lockdown will end by 14 April 2020. But it only got extended further for the next one and half months. Till now people have questions about the pandemic, will the Coronavirus end? Is there a solution to this pandemic Coronavirus? 

The government has lifted the lockdown in a phased manner. But if you see the number of cases after lockdown has only increased gradually. From having 5 cases on 2 March 2020 to reaching 50 thousand cases by 5 May 2020 and gradually increasing to 1 lakh cases by 18th May 2020. When the lockdown was lifted on 8 June 2020, the total number of cases rose to 2.65 lakhs. 

This goes to show that we have not utilized the lockdown in the best possible manner. We have failed in our approach. We should have tested as many people as possible and identified corona patients. Lockdown is only a temporary solution to the Pandemic. Unless and until this time was utilized to stop the virus. The planning has failed. This has had terrible consequences on the economy as there is a huge population who are daily labourers. They have suffered the most. People have walked back to their homes without food or water. Their stories are painful. We have failed them. 

Even today, there is no roadmap on how will we reduce the number of cases. Social distancing and Hygiene is good. But is it enough? As in most of the cases, there are no symptoms of the Coronavirus. The government of India is not ready to accept the fact that we have entered community transmission (Stage 3). In the capital state Delhi, as per the last statement made by the Health minister there is no community transmission bur there are 50% of the case which are asymptomatic (means the source of infection is not known). Please see this link: The Free Journal

When we don't know the source of infections that is enough to indicate that we have entered stage 3. But our government is not willing to accept this fact. There are huge implications for not accepting the truth. We will not be able to take decisions in the right direction if we don't accept the fact. 

The lockdown has been lifted. We need to pay attention to a few things here:
1. When there was lockdown the number of cases only kept increasing exponentially from merely 6 on 2 March 2020 to 2.65 lakhs on 8 June 2020. Check this link for the live count:
2. It is estimated to reach 5 lakhs by the end of June 2020 and 10 lakhs by the end of July 2020. 
3. How are we going to stop the virus when the lockdown is lifted. It will spread more rapidly than before if we don't have control. Imagine the number of cases by end of July 2020 in case of the lockdown being lifted. (You may check the worldwide count of Covid-19 cases at Worldometer website
4. Do we have enough beds for patients and to quarantine people in separate rooms?

Take the example of a bus where there are only 30% of people sitting in the bus. What is any one of them has Corona, if he touches any part of the seat of the hand-holders? The other passengers who would touch the hand holder are susceptible to the virus. I would request all you beings to:

1. Avoid travelling unless it is really important. Please make use of the technological benefits we have.
2. Try and travel in your vehicle (if possible).  
3. Try and avoid sitting in any public place or touching anything
4. Push the door of your office with your shoulder.
5. Work from home

Till the time there is no medicine available. Please take these necessary precautions. 

How long will it take to make the Coronavirus (COVID 19) medicine:
There have been speculations that some countries have found medicine. But when they test it on the human body nothing is working right now. Some labs are preparing the vaccine and have declared that they would be ready by this year-end or next year with the vaccine.

All you beings who have read this. Please stay safe and take care of your family. We will all fight and win against this pandemic Coronavirus. Hope we the medicine as soon as possible.

Stay Safe. Stay Home. Stay Healthy.

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