Friday, July 3, 2020

Life Before and After Coronavirus (Covid-19) - The impact and how can you use your time in the best manner during lockdown

Coronavirus :

We all are suffering from this devastating pandemic. We have never faced such a situation in our entire life. It seems as if life has come to a standstill. 

Life Before Coronavirus:

I live in Mumbai and life here is very hectic. Everyone is busy from a businessman to a watchman. They all have multiple things to do. In Mumbai, the hectic schedule of city life which starts by planning our day from day to dawn. The entire day was so busy that if we miss our morning train or bus. The entire day's plan would go for a toss.

We used to live our life to the fullest. There were so many things happening around us. Our professional life was filled with achieving our target, meetings, reports, travelling and many more. Whereas, on the personal front, we used to go out for dinner with our family, picnics, weekend parties, meeting our friends and family. 

Life after Coronavirus:

Although the Covid-19 virus started spreading in Wuhan province, China from December 2019. That is why it has been named as Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019). 23rd March 2020, everyone in entire India will remember this date for their lifetime. The day when lockdown started. Everything in our life came to a standstill. We were locked in our homes. Every city, every village was locked. People stopped meeting anyone. There are no parties, no get together or any family outing happening nowadays.

All the offices are shutdown. All shops shutdown. Every restaurant shut down. We are not allowed to move out of our house. 

The impact of lockdown:

1. All days are alike: 

We get up in the morning and every day looks like the same.

2. No Enthusiasm: 

There is no excitement of planning your day for official or personal plans. Nether for the office nor for any family dinner to picnic.

3. Suspicious thoughts: 

Every person around you is a suspect. No one meets/greets each other. We look at each and every person with suspicion.

4. Mask is the new normal:

Wearing a mask is the new normal. If you are not wearing a mask, you will not be allowed to even enter a shop.

5. Domestic violence:

There has been a rise in cases of domestic violence.

6. Household work: 

No maidservants are allowed in any society which has had a negative impact. All the household work, right from washing clothes, cooking, cleaning the house, etc is to be done by you. Basically, you are on DIY mode.

7. No Junk food: 

Everyone is craving to go to their favourite food joint/ restaurant for popular dishes. In Mumbai, people are missing the Mumbai famous 'VADA PAV' (basically it is Mumbai's burger). People also crave for Panipuri, Bhelpuri, Pav Bhaji and many other things to eat.
Although, they make all these fast food at home by checking the recipe online. They miss going out to their favourite hang out place.

8. No Gym: 

Since you cannot move out. No one is allowed to go to the Gym or even allowed to jog on the road.

9. No Pet walk: 

You cannot even take your pets for a walk outside your home. Not even on the road, you see from your balcony. Just want to add one more important point here. All the stray dogs and cats who were dependent on the commuters and restaurants are now left all alone.

10.  Food Inflation: 

The prices of commodities have risen exorbitantly.

11. Loss of business:

All businesses are impacted: From small vendors to big corporates, everyone has been hit badly by the pandemic. Some businesses have shut down, others have opted to cut down on the cost.

12. Salary is not credited: 

There has a salary cut to 50% in some companies even less and a few where they have paid a full salary on time. But the latter is very rare. Since all the offices are closed, companies have not been able to generate revenue nor have they paid a salary to their employees.

13. Job Losses: 

People have also lost their jobs due to Coronavirus (Covid-19).  Some have even returned back to their native places as they couldn't even pay their rents.

14. Depression: 

People who were workaholic and some people who never had a habit of sitting at home are going through depression. We all need to talk to our friends and family members. We all have friends on social media but not in real life. Please don't hurt someone. You don't know what pain he is hiding behind his smile.
There are many more issues that people are facing. It is an endless list.

How can you use this time in a better way? 

Since we all are sitting at home. It is also very important how we utilise this time. It all depends on how we look at it. You can use this time to watch movies online or on television, waste your time playing online games, watch a movie series, talk over the phone or chatting with your friends and family. This way you can definitely spend your time. 
But this way we can only help you pass our time. Think about how you can utilise it in the best possible way, Think about that one thing that you always wanted to do. Your passion or maybe a skill you wanted to learn. I will suggest a few ways you can utilise this time in the best possible manner.
1. Follow your passion: Maybe you wanted to learn a skill. It can be anything from painting, calligraphy. writing, etc. This is the right time to do it.
2. A new Course in your field: Learn a new course in your field and get yourself certified. This will be an addon on your resume.
3. Family time: You have all the time to spend with your family. Spend quality time with your family. You can help them in the household work as the maids are not allowed in society. Cook something (especially males) for your family.  
4. Read a book: Books are said to be the best friend of human beings. They will teach you something and that knowledge will remain with you forever. Nowadays, Ebooks are also available which makes it much easier as you can have the book right on your mobile/ tablet.
5. Meditate: Due to this extended lockdown, our thoughts are going haywire. We all know that mind will not be at peace. We all should do meditate as this will help us find happiness and peace in our life.

Lastly, everything has an expiry date. Even this pandemic will not last for a long time. It will end someday,  the only problem is we don't know the end date. Keep you believe in the almighty, we will all come out winning.
Stay safe!!! Take care of yourself first and then of your family!!!
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You may also check my blog about my solo trip to Himalayas and Punjab by clicking on the below link:

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