Friday, August 28, 2020

Five apps you must have on your smart phone

Everything in this world is moving online and is available at the tip of our finger. We need to know which are the best apps that can help you in your daily routine life every day.  Apps which makes your life easier. Here I will discuss such apps which you should have on your smartphone.

1. A payment app: Google Pay

There are multiple options available in the market and depending on which country are in, Google Pay definitely is payable everywhere in the world. You can link your bank account with it easily and make payments anywhere in the world.. The best part is, it is compatible with most of the bank accounts. It is slowly moving the ladder as there are Square Cash and Apple pay which are doing better than Google pay. But Google pay will move up the ladder soon due to its quick and unmatchable service.  

2. Google Calendar:

This app has a lot of benefits like you can sync your mobile calendar with Google Calendar. You can use multiple calendars like English and Arabic calendar to see the dates. You can send and share your calendar with your office colleagues. You can share rights with your friend or colleague. You can sync your friends birthdays with this app and it will give send your notifications.

3. Google Chrome browser:

Although there are many other browsers available in the market for free. Trust me this one works really fast and can give you multiple options. You can sync your data with your personal computer or other devices and the extensions that you get are really helpful in your daily life.

4. Whatsapp Chat:

This is the most popular app among people of all ages. There already are multiple apps available on play store. What makes this app stand out is that it is end to end encrypted which means no one can access your conversation. This is a free app and can be used to chat, audio call, video call, send documents. The app also has back up option on your google drive which is also free of cost.

5. Google Maps:

Why Google Maps? If you are stuck in the middle of a road or want to know the nearest restaurant, ATM, Bus depot, railway station or want to know anything about the place you are standing. Google maps will help you fix your problem. It has improved over a period of time and takes you to the exact location. It can show you results of Uber cabs and local transport facilities in that area which makes life easier.

I use all these apps daily and have found it useful. If you have any suggestions or want to discuss more on this topic. Please do leave a comment. I will be happy to hear from you.

Monday, July 20, 2020

I lost all my contacts in my mobile phone? How can I get this back?

Hi guys,

Our contacts are the most important part of our life. If we lose our contact we lose contact with half of our world. Whenever we lose our phone or when it is not working or when we change our phone. The first thought that comes to our mind is about our contacts.

Today, we will discuss how can we be save all our contacts data whenever we change our phone or if our phone is stolen or if it's stopped working.

We will discuss two types of phones:
  1. Smartphones
  1. Non Smartphones


All phones which have multiple features and can be also used for multiple purposes like chatting, watching videos, browsing, etc.

Non Smartphones: 

All phones have basic features like calling and SMS.


When we set up a phone, we usually set up our Gmail account for the Android phone. You should always save all your contacts in your Gmail account and not your phone or sim card. I will tell you the reason for that as well.

 If you save your contacts in your phone directory, there are chances that when your phone is stolen or whenever there is a software issue on your phone. Your contacts might get lost or deleted. You will not be able to recover these contacts. Also, note that you can only save your contacts to a certain limit until your phone memory is not full.

Usually, the sim card can store anywhere between 250 to 500 contacts. Usually, a  32KB sim card can hold up to 250 contacts and 64KB sim card can hold up to contacts. There is always a risk if your sim card is blocked. You will lose all your contacts.

Saving in your smartphones company account may again lead to data loss.

The ultimate solution:

Smartphone: There is a special feature on all your smartphones. You can save all your contacts in your Gmail account free of cost and there is no limit on the number of contacts that you can save. I will show you step by step how you can save all the contacts in your  Gmail account.

  • Step1: Go to settings of your Android phone
  • Select accounts
  • Click on your email id (Example:  
  • Select contacts and make sure the checkbox is ticked
  • Click on the back button and you will see the auto-sync button. Make sure it is turned on 

Auto Sync:

The auto-sync can see set to sync from one day to 30 days. I would suggest you keep this as 1 day as the day you save a contact in your google account. The same day it will get saved in your google account.
To change Auto Sync, go to your Gmail app>>Clik on the icon 'four horizontal lines' on the left-hand top corner>> click on settings>>click on your Gmail account you want to sync>>>Under 'Data Usage' section you will see an option "Days of mail to Sync".This will sync your contacts every day. 

Benefits of saving in Google is that whether your phone is stolen or your software crashes. You will have all your contact safe in Google contacts.

Benefits of saving in Google Contacts:

  • You can save multiple mobile/ landline numbers under one name
  • You can save the photo of the person in Google contacts
  • You can save multiple email ids of a person
  • You can write a business name or company name of an individual
  • You can also write a note, birthday, address, website name, social media account, Nickname and also set a ringtone for a particular person 

Drawbacks of saving in Google contacts:

  • If you are changing your phone from a smartphone to a non-smartphone, you cannot save your data in Google contacts
  • Neither can you sync your contacts daily

How to add and save a new contact number in google contacts?

Whenever you save a new contact on your smartphone. At the bottom of the page, you will see the option "Save location". When you click on this it will show you options like phone, Sim 1/Sim 2 and "Your Gmail account name". Please set this as your Gmail account name by default. 

Why is this important? because whenever you save a contact number as save it in your Gmail account. Gmail automatically saves the number in your Gmail account and you will never ever lose that number.

How to Export/ Import mobile numbers from a mobile phone:

Export contacts from your device and save it: 

We export contacts when we want to transfer our contacts from the current phone to some other phone or want to save it somewhere like our desktop. This is when we export contacts.

  1. Click on System app settings
  2. Click on Contacts
  3. Click on the 1st option that you see is 'Import/Export contacts'

  1. Click on the export contacts button. You will see an option to select the contacts you want to export.
  2. Usually, people want all the contacts to be exported. In this case, click on 'Select all' if you want to transfer all your contacts and then click 'Export' at the bottom of the page.
  3. A pop-up will appear with details where your file will be store. Click 'Ok' on this page.
  4. All your contact will be saved in a '.vcf'' file format on your mobile device. You can find this file in your file manager app by following the below-mentioned steps:
Click on file manager>>click on documents>> the contacts will be saved by today's date-time name. (example: If you export on 1st July 2020 at 1:15:10 pm. The filename would be '2020-07-01 13-15-10.vcf)

Import contacts into your device and sync it with Gmail contacts

We import when we are shifting from a non-smartphone to a smartphone. In this case, the contacts need to be imported. Please follow the below steps to know more:
  1. Repeat step 1 to 3 from 'Export contacts from your device' section
  2. If you want to save your contacts from some other device then you have to export it from another device in a '.vcf' file format and save it in your device via Bluetooth or any sharing app.
  3. When you click on this it will open the .vcf file from file manager and you can select and import contacts from '.vcf' file you extracted from another device and then sync it with your Gmail account This way you can save all your contacts in your smartphone.
There is one more important tab available on the Contacts page:

  1. In the Contacts section, you can see the option of 'Copy'. When you click on this option, you have the option of copying all your contacts saved in 'Phone', 'Sim 1' or 'Sim 2' to be copied to your Gmail account.

How to copy contacts from a non-smartphone to your Gmail account?

From a non-smartphone, you will need to copy all the contacts via Bluetooth to a smartphone and convert it into '.vcf file'. Then import it to your Gmail contacts account.

These are some simple methods to save your contacts forever. I have also written on how you can create a Gmail account and its benefits. You can check it in the below link.

How to set up Gmail account for free with and without your mobile number and benefits of using Gmail account?

Please do leave a comment if you have any suggestions.

Friday, July 17, 2020

How to set up Gmail account for free with and without your mobile number and benefits of using Gmail account

Hi guys - Hope you all are safe and healthy.

Today we will discuss how Gmail is such a powerful tool and:

  1. How you can set up your email account with Gmail app on Android phone with your mobile number.   
  1. How you can set your email account without your mobile number.
  1. how you can benefit from it. 

The Gmail App

How to set up a Gmail account from your smartphone for free with mobile number?

Every android phone has a Gmail app preinstalled on their phone. Just open the app>>Click on the add account.

You will see four options on the next page 'Exchange', 'Google', 'Personal (IMAP)' and 'Personal (POP3)'>> Just click on 'Google'

It will take you to the page as shown in the above photo. Click on the 'Create account' (at the bottom left of the screen).

It will pop up two options 'Myself' and 'To manage my business'. Click on for 'For myself'.

The next page will ask you your 'First name' and 'Last name'. Fill your name in 'First name' and Surname in 'Last name', Click on 'Next'

Add mobile number and verification code
The next page will ask for your mobile number. Please put your mobile number. Google will send you a verification code. Insert this and your mobile number is verified.

On the next page, it will ask you for your basic information like your Date of birth and your Gender. Fill your Date of birth and for Gender, you have four options (Female, Male, Rather not say and Custom). You can choose anyone. For people who do not choose Male or Female can choose Custom and fill relevant details. Then click on 'Next'.

The next page will ask you to choose your Gmail address. Google will give you suggestions for email ids which are available to choose. You can choose either of them or create your own email address. The email can be created by using a combination of letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) and '.' (full stop). Example: '' (this is just a sample.)

Once you create your email id click on next. If it is available it will take you to the next page or else show an error to choose other email address

On successfully creating an email address the next page is for creating a password. Your password must consist of letters, numbers and symbol. It has to be at least 8 characters. Create a password and confirm in the next box.

On the next page, click on 'Yes, I am in' and 'click on 'I agree' on the Privacy and Terms' page.

Your Gmail account is set in your Gmail app!!!

I will also soon make an article about how you can use other features in Gmail for your benefit for free.

How to set up a Gmail account without a mobile number?

Open the Gmail account page in your web browser. I have mentioned below the link of the Gmail account page.

Gmail sign up page

How can you benefit from a Gmail account? 

Whether you are a student, housewife, working man/women. Everyone can use it as a source to connect. If you want to know about new jobs in your interested field. You can receive email updates about new opportunities. You can get your bank statement in soft copy on your email id. If you are a social influencer or you can connect with your audience by asking them to write to you on your email id. You can use your email id for doing business.

There are many more activities that you can do with your email id. The list is endless.

If you think I have missed highlighting something or you have some suggestions, please do leave a comment. I would love to receive your feedback :-)

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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar - Early Life and Contributions of Dr BR Ambedkar (Babasaheb)

Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar also popularly known as Babasaheb, the contributions of this great man are more than just the upliftment of the untouchables. He was not only responsible for the constitution of India but had played a major role in many forming many other departments of Independent India. I have tried to highlight the different aspects of his life and his contribution to the entire nation.  

Early life: 

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (Babasaheb) was born on 14th April 1891 in Mhow (Maharashtra) in a backward caste family. He was the 14th child. His father was a Subhedar in the British Indian Army. He was lucky enough to go to School.


Although Dr B R Ambedkar went to school and the suffering started in his life very early. It was because he belonged to the Mahar caste which was considered a backward caste. There are many incidents but I will mention one such incident. He was not allowed to sit along with the upper caste students. He was not allowed to drink water from the pot. If he feels thirsty, he had to sit down on his knees and bring forth his hands in front. The peon would pour water on his hands and this is how he would get to drink water. The Dalits in the school were not allowed to touch the water jugs in the school.


As Babasaheb were good in his studies. He was provided scholarship by the King of Baroda 'Saiyyaji Rao Gaekwad'. He was the first person in his family to have graduated from the University of Bombay in 1913. In all, he had 6 degrees namely University of Mumbai (BA) Columbia University (MA, PhD) London School of Economics (MSc, DSc) Gray's Inn (Barrister-at-Law). I have attached a photo of all his degrees for your reference. This photo is clicked from the Office of Registrar, Columbia University.frijrl

Passion for Reading Books: 

He was crazy about his books. He has more than 50,000 books on 64 different subjects, all stored at his home. It was said to be the largest personal library of that time. He lived in Dadar, Mumbai where he stayed one entire floor of his Bungalow was dedicated to books. A few of these books can be found in Siddhartha College, Mumbai. 
It is said that he was so fond of reading that he used to read for 18 hours every day. The Librarian of London School of Economics once said that Babasaheb was the first person to enter the library and was the last person to leave, The librarian used to check the entire library just in case if Babasaheb is still in the library and would often find him sitting with books around him.  

Languages Known:

Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar had knowledge of 9 languages like Hindi, Pali, Sanskrit, English, French, German, Marathi, Persian and Gujarati. He could speak all of them very fluently.

Dr B R Ambedkar's Residence 'Rajgruha': 

He lived in Mumbai in Hindu Colony, Dadar area. It is a three-storey building. He designed the structure od the house. The name of his house is 'Rajgruh', It is a memorial now and anyone who wants to visit can see the house free of cost. The timings are from 10 am to 5 pm. I would suggest you should definitely visit this place to see the architectural work of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar. He was the architect of this house.

Books Written by Babasaheb:

During his entire lifetime, he has written several books which were published. I am sharing a list of his books:

B. R. Ambedkar is an author of The Constitution of India, the supreme law of India.

 [I] Books and Monograph

(1) Administration and finance of the East India Company ''(Thesis for MA Degree)''

(2) The Evolution of Provincial Finance in British India ''(Thesis for PhD, 1917, published 1925)''
(3) The problem of the Rupees: Its Origin and Its Solution ''(Thesis for DSc, Published 1923)''
(4) Annihilation of Caste ''(May 1936)''
(5) Which way to Emancipation? ''(May 1936)''
(6) Federation versus Freedom ''(1936)''
(7) Pakistan or the Partition of India / Thoughts on Pakistan ''(1940)''
(8) Rande, Gandhi and Jinaah ''(1943)''
(9) Mr Gandhi and the Emancipation of the Untouchables ''(Sep 1943)''
(10) What Congress and Gandhi Have Done to the Untouchables ''(June 1945)''
(11) Communal Deadlock and a Way to Solve It ''(May 1946)''
(12) Who Were the Shudras? ''(October 1946)''
(13) A critique of The Proposals of Cabinet Mission for Indian Constitution changes in so far as they affect the Scheduled Castes (Untouchable) ''(1946)''
(14) The Cabinet Mission and the Untouchables ''(1946)''
(15) States and Minorities ''(1947)''
(16) Maharashtra as a Linguist Province ''(1948)''
(17) The Untouchables: Who Were They are Why The Become Untouchables ''(October 1948)''
(18) Thoughts on Linguistic States: A critique of the Report of the States Reorganization Commission ''(Published 1955)''
(19) The Buddha and His Dhamma ''(1957)''
(20) Riddle's in Hinduism
(21) Dictionary of Pali Language (Pali-English)
(22) The Pali Grammar
(23) Waiting for a Visa ''(Autobiography) (1935-1936)''
(24) A people at Bay
(25) Untouchables or the Children of India's Ghetto
(26) Can I be a Hindu?
(27) What the Brahmins Have Done to the Hindus
(28) Essays of Bhagwat Gita
(29) India and Communism
(30) Revolution and Counter-revolution in Ancient India
(31) The Buddha or Karl Marx
(32) Constitution and Constitutionalism

 [II] Memoranda, Evidence and Statement's

(33) On Franchise and Framing Constituencies ''(1919)''
(34) Statement of Evidence to the Royal Commission of Indian Currency ''(1926)''
(35) Protection of the Interests of the Depressed Classes ''(May 29, 1928)''
(36) State of Education of the Depressed Classes in the Bombay Presidency ''(1928)''
(37) Constitution of the Government of Bombay Presidency ''(May 17, 1929)''
(38) A Scheme of Political Safeguards for the protection of the Depressed in the Future Constitution of a Self- governing India ''(1930)''
(39) The Claims of the Depressed Classes for Special Representation ''(1931)''
(40) Franchise and Tests of Untouchability ''(1932)''
(41) The Cripps Proposals on Constitutional Advancement ''(July 18, 1942)''
(42) Grievances of the Schedule Castes ''(Oct 29, 1942)''

[III]  Research Papers, Articles and Books Reviews

(43) Castes in India: Their Genius, Mechanism and Development ''(1918)''
(44) Mr Russel and the Reconstruction of Society ''(1918)''
(45) Small Holding In India and Their Remedies ''(1918)''
(46) Currency and Exchanges ''(1925)''
(47) The Present Problem of Indian Currency ''(Apr 1925)''
(48) Report of Taxation Enquiry Committee ''(1926)''
(49) Thoughts on the Reform of Legal Education in the Bombay Presidency ''(1936)''
(50) The Rise and Fall of Hindu Women ''(1950)''
(51) Need for checks and Balances ''(Apr 23, 1953)''
(52) Buddha Pooja Path ''(Marathi) (Nov 1956)''

[IV]  Preface and Forewords

(53) Forward to Untouchable Workers of Bombay City ''(1938)''
(54) Forward to commodity Exchange ''(1947)''
(55) Preface to the Essence of Buddhism ''(1948)''
(56) Forward to Social Insurance and India ''(1948)''
(57) Preface to Rashtra Rakshake Vaidik Sadhan ''(1948)''
(Note: 23 - 32 books are incompleted)

(Source:– Marathi Book: बोल महामानवाचे (Bol Mahamanvache), Author: Dr. Narendra Jadav

A few lesser-known facts about him:

1. Indian Constitution:

The draft of the Indian constitution was presented in a record time of 2 years 10 months and 17 days. With minor changes, the draft was accepted in the assembly  Why do I call it a record time because, Pakistan, which also got independence along with us but took 25 years to form the constitution.
There are a total of 117,369 words in the English version of the Constitution of India 

2  Women Empowerment:

 He played a vital role in women's Right to work, Right to Equality and Right to Inheritance. He also brought the maternity 

3.Working hours: 

The working hours of Indian labour were reduced from 12 to 14 hours a day to 8 hours.

4. Right to vote: 

We should be thankful to Babasaheb for fighting for this right. Only a few selected were allowed to vote. He fought with the Simon Commission for Right to vote for all citizens.

5. Columbia University: 

There is a book "Waiting for a visa" which is still taught at Columbia University. It is a 20-page book.

6. Colleges formed by Babasaheb: 

He formed two colleges in Mumbai namely Siddharth College and Ambedkar College.

7. Entrepreneurship: 

In 1917, Babasaheb started his own consultancy but failed after a few months when people came to know that he belongs to Mahar, the untouchables. The clients stopped approaching him and he has to close his company.

8. Water and Electricity commission: 

Dr BR Ambedkar played a vital role in forming the Central water commission in India.t

9. Formation of RBI: 

Babasaheb played a crucial role in the formation of RBI which was proposed in 1935 based on his writings from the book "The Problem of the Rupee – Its Origin and Its Solution".

10. Labour laws: 

\He played a vital role in introducing dearness allowance, leave benefit, employee insurance, medical leave, equal pay equal work, minimum wages and timely revision of scale of pay for labours and working class.

What can we learn from Dr BR Ambedkar:

Apart from fighting for rights of the backward caste. He was a great visionary, He envisioned that the nation should progress and that could only happen when everyone is treated equally irrespective of caste, religion, gender and colour. He was not against the Upper caste Hindus but the differences created by them in the society.

I would end this article by saying that every citizen of India should be thankful to him for his contribution to our lives on such a large scale. He was definitely ahead of his times and his knowledge is praiseworthy. Salute to the Father of Indian Constitution.

I am leaving you with a few links where you can find Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar's work:

4.)1946 - Dr B. R. Ambedkar's Constituent Assembly Speech on Dec 17 (on YouTube)

5. Ambedkar House in Mumbai Rajgruha

Please do leave a comment if you liked this article.

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Friday, July 3, 2020

Life Before and After Coronavirus (Covid-19) - The impact and how can you use your time in the best manner during lockdown

Coronavirus :

We all are suffering from this devastating pandemic. We have never faced such a situation in our entire life. It seems as if life has come to a standstill. 

Life Before Coronavirus:

I live in Mumbai and life here is very hectic. Everyone is busy from a businessman to a watchman. They all have multiple things to do. In Mumbai, the hectic schedule of city life which starts by planning our day from day to dawn. The entire day was so busy that if we miss our morning train or bus. The entire day's plan would go for a toss.

We used to live our life to the fullest. There were so many things happening around us. Our professional life was filled with achieving our target, meetings, reports, travelling and many more. Whereas, on the personal front, we used to go out for dinner with our family, picnics, weekend parties, meeting our friends and family. 

Life after Coronavirus:

Although the Covid-19 virus started spreading in Wuhan province, China from December 2019. That is why it has been named as Covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019). 23rd March 2020, everyone in entire India will remember this date for their lifetime. The day when lockdown started. Everything in our life came to a standstill. We were locked in our homes. Every city, every village was locked. People stopped meeting anyone. There are no parties, no get together or any family outing happening nowadays.

All the offices are shutdown. All shops shutdown. Every restaurant shut down. We are not allowed to move out of our house. 

The impact of lockdown:

1. All days are alike: 

We get up in the morning and every day looks like the same.

2. No Enthusiasm: 

There is no excitement of planning your day for official or personal plans. Nether for the office nor for any family dinner to picnic.

3. Suspicious thoughts: 

Every person around you is a suspect. No one meets/greets each other. We look at each and every person with suspicion.

4. Mask is the new normal:

Wearing a mask is the new normal. If you are not wearing a mask, you will not be allowed to even enter a shop.

5. Domestic violence:

There has been a rise in cases of domestic violence.

6. Household work: 

No maidservants are allowed in any society which has had a negative impact. All the household work, right from washing clothes, cooking, cleaning the house, etc is to be done by you. Basically, you are on DIY mode.

7. No Junk food: 

Everyone is craving to go to their favourite food joint/ restaurant for popular dishes. In Mumbai, people are missing the Mumbai famous 'VADA PAV' (basically it is Mumbai's burger). People also crave for Panipuri, Bhelpuri, Pav Bhaji and many other things to eat.
Although, they make all these fast food at home by checking the recipe online. They miss going out to their favourite hang out place.

8. No Gym: 

Since you cannot move out. No one is allowed to go to the Gym or even allowed to jog on the road.

9. No Pet walk: 

You cannot even take your pets for a walk outside your home. Not even on the road, you see from your balcony. Just want to add one more important point here. All the stray dogs and cats who were dependent on the commuters and restaurants are now left all alone.

10.  Food Inflation: 

The prices of commodities have risen exorbitantly.

11. Loss of business:

All businesses are impacted: From small vendors to big corporates, everyone has been hit badly by the pandemic. Some businesses have shut down, others have opted to cut down on the cost.

12. Salary is not credited: 

There has a salary cut to 50% in some companies even less and a few where they have paid a full salary on time. But the latter is very rare. Since all the offices are closed, companies have not been able to generate revenue nor have they paid a salary to their employees.

13. Job Losses: 

People have also lost their jobs due to Coronavirus (Covid-19).  Some have even returned back to their native places as they couldn't even pay their rents.

14. Depression: 

People who were workaholic and some people who never had a habit of sitting at home are going through depression. We all need to talk to our friends and family members. We all have friends on social media but not in real life. Please don't hurt someone. You don't know what pain he is hiding behind his smile.
There are many more issues that people are facing. It is an endless list.

How can you use this time in a better way? 

Since we all are sitting at home. It is also very important how we utilise this time. It all depends on how we look at it. You can use this time to watch movies online or on television, waste your time playing online games, watch a movie series, talk over the phone or chatting with your friends and family. This way you can definitely spend your time. 
But this way we can only help you pass our time. Think about how you can utilise it in the best possible way, Think about that one thing that you always wanted to do. Your passion or maybe a skill you wanted to learn. I will suggest a few ways you can utilise this time in the best possible manner.
1. Follow your passion: Maybe you wanted to learn a skill. It can be anything from painting, calligraphy. writing, etc. This is the right time to do it.
2. A new Course in your field: Learn a new course in your field and get yourself certified. This will be an addon on your resume.
3. Family time: You have all the time to spend with your family. Spend quality time with your family. You can help them in the household work as the maids are not allowed in society. Cook something (especially males) for your family.  
4. Read a book: Books are said to be the best friend of human beings. They will teach you something and that knowledge will remain with you forever. Nowadays, Ebooks are also available which makes it much easier as you can have the book right on your mobile/ tablet.
5. Meditate: Due to this extended lockdown, our thoughts are going haywire. We all know that mind will not be at peace. We all should do meditate as this will help us find happiness and peace in our life.

Lastly, everything has an expiry date. Even this pandemic will not last for a long time. It will end someday,  the only problem is we don't know the end date. Keep you believe in the almighty, we will all come out winning.
Stay safe!!! Take care of yourself first and then of your family!!!
Hope you like this article. If you have any views to share, please do write in the comments section.

You may also check my blog about my solo trip to Himalayas and Punjab by clicking on the below link:

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Saturday, June 20, 2020

What happens to your money & assets if you suddenly die? Have you planned for this???

Dear Friends,
Have you ever thought about what would happen if you meet with an accident and die? What if you are detected with a major disease like cancer. These thoughts itself are scary and no one wants to talk about it. I think we should seriously discuss amongst our family members. We should plan this so that our family doesn't suffer and live a disastrous life.

We all waste our time scrolling on Facebook or other social media apps. We all should give it a thought as life is uncertain and unpredictable. Today you might be fit but you cannot predict what happens tomorrow. You need to plan this before it's too late.

 There are so many people who die every year due to some or the other disease. According to a WHO report, a major cause of death occurs due to Heart disease, Cancer and road accident. There are many out of these patients who become bedridden and are completely dependant on their spouses or parents for their lifetime.

In today's fast-paced and uncertain world, the kind of life we live in is very hectic. We hardly have time to take care of ourselves. We all are busy making money so that we can retire early and retire rich. Life is unpredictable and we all should accept this fact and plan for it.

I would like to share a story of one of my friend who was successful in his life but he never planned for his death. He was married and had a kid. Once he met with an accident and died. His wife never knew what his total assets were. He never changed his nominee in his bank to his wife. His nominee was his Dad which he mentioned while opening the bank a few years back. When he died, his father received all balance amount, fixed deposit and mutual fund shares that he has bought through the bank. His Father never was shared a penny with his daughter in law (My friend's wife).

My dear friends, please do write down your assets and liabilities in a diary and inform your loved one about it. Discuss your life with your loved one so that they are aware of how you have planned your life. Please change your bank nominee to your loved one and inform them about it.

Whenever you buy an asset whether it is a land, gold or fixed deposit. Please share details with your loved one. Write it down in a diary.

We put in all the effort to make sure we earn enough so that we can fulfil all needs of our family. We at times miss out on sharing these details with our loved ones. It is important to share these details with your loved ones. Even if we miss out on updating even one asset.

Talk to your family, discuss your life with them. Nowadays, we miss on these small things which lead to bigger problems in the long run. Take your eyes off your mobile and take time out for your family.

Remember guys we work very hard all our life to earn as much money as possible. We do all these just to make our family happy. just imagine if they don't even know about the assets you have earned for them. Or if you gave changed your nominee in your bank details to your loved one's name. They should know about it. And most importantly they should also know the procedure to acquire it.

All said and done. Friends, make sure your family doesn't suffer because of your silly mistakes.

And One last important message to you all. "Please take care of yourself. You are very special for your family :-)"

Hope this article will help you plan your life in a better way. If you find this article useful, please do share it with your friend and family members.

Please also do read my article about: 

1. How to safeguard your social media and Gmail data online after you die.

2. Why should you donate blood regularly?

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Thursday, June 18, 2020

What happens to your Gmail and Social media accounts if you suddenly die?

Have you ever thought of this? I know we all don't want to die but we all will one day. And we have no idea which day it is. No one knows an exact date. This sends shivers down your spine but let's be practical we all will die one day. We all have our plans on how to make more money or how to plan for a trip to our holiday destination. We start saving money for it for several months in advance. We plan for our wedding and many other things but we do not plan for our death. My purpose is to make you aware of how to plan it in the right manner.

In today's technologically advanced world, we all have an email account which is connected to several of our social media accounts. If God forbid something happens to us, we need to secure our email and social media accounts. These are not given utmost priorities but these are extremely important. Let's look at a few Pros and Cons of deactivating/ memorializing the deceased person's account.

1. The account is safe and closed as you have secured it by informing the support team of the respected social media platform/ email account.
2. You can request for the personal data which is online or you can ask them to delete the data.
3. You can delete and save your data from getting leaked/ misused online.

1. The account will be active on social media. People who are connected will assume that he.she is alive.
2. Friends who are unaware will tag the deceased person unknowingly.
3. The deceased person will feature in 'People you may know' section for new friend request.

We will talk about the below-mentioned accounts:
  1. Gmail
  2. Facebook
  3. Twitter
  4. Instagram
P.S.: These are chosen based on their popularity


If you want to close or share the data with your loved ones. Please login into your account. On your profile page click on 'Manage your account' then click on 'Data & Personalization'. Under 'Download, delete, or make a plan for your data', you will find a link 'Make a plan for your account' click here. It will take you to a page called 'Inactive account manager'

Google will start observing activity after your demise for at least three months. It will prompt you to fill all the contact details like contact person's mobile number, email id. The next page will ask for your permission with whom you want to share your data. The third page will ask whether you want to delete your account and data after your demise. I would suggest not to chose this option as it will delete all the hard work that you have done. Once you confirm all these details your account is secured. I am sharing the link for your convenience:  Inactive account manager (Please log into your account to go to the inactive account manager page.)

The Gmail Inactive account manager


When you log into your Facebook account, there is an arrow-shaped downwards i.e. account's section. Click on the account's section and under 'Help & Support' click on 'Help Centre'. A new page will open and you will a menu bar on top. Click on 'Policies and Reporting' and you will see an option of  'Manage a Deceased person's account'. I have added a screenshot below for your reference. Here you will find all the details on how to manage closure or memorialize the account of a deceased person. I am sharing the link for your reference: Manage a deceased person's account



When you log into Twitter, click on the help button at the bottom of the page. Click on 'Rules and policies'. Under 'General guidelines and policies' you will find details about 'How to contact Twitter about a deceased family member's account'. I am sharing the link for your reference: Deceased account



When you log in to Instagram, at the bottom of the page you will see the 'Help' link. Click on this link and it will direct you to the Help Centre. Click on the 'Privacy and Safety Center' then on 'Report something'. Here you will see an option 'Other type of report'. On this page, you will find details on reporting about a deceased person. Please see the image below. I am also attaching the link for your reference: Deceased person's account


The data on this account is extremely sensitive and important as it might contain your family's personal photos and details which is available online. There is always a risk that it might get hacked. It's better to get memorialized or deactivated. The intention of this article is to make you aware and not to scare you. I hope for good health and prosperity for all.

Hope you find this content useful. Please do comment if you need any further details on this topic.

Please also do read about my article, I have mentioned the links below:

1. How to secure your family if you suddenly die due to unforeseen circumstances?

2. Why should you donate blood regularly?

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